It is no secret that one of my all time favorite teams is the 1986 Mets (though, as history goes on, I find the Red Sox and Astros from that year just as fascinating and worthy of admiration- but I hated them back then).
The whole team was great. I remember the names of the all of them.
Ed Hearn was the catcher behind Carter, which made him pretty cool. AND, he was an 86 Met!
Ed jokes in his book about David Leterrman making a joke one night about how all of the 86 Mets put a book out. Dave jokingly mentions that even Ed Hearn has a book out. This was BEFORE Ed actually published his book.
Ed gets traded to the Royals in a trade that many consider very lopsided, with the Mets getting the better deal.
Ed has some physical problems and his career winds down more quickly than he expected.
He comes through a lot, and survives some very close calls, with the help of his wife and religion.
Ed receives a kidney transplant, and becomes a motivational speaker.
This is a really nice book (it reads a lot like Gary Carter's books). He keeps his head up through a lot, and seems grateful for all he has. The last chapter is the best, as he is able to connect to the family of the person who's kidney he receives.