Thanks to a friend I was recently able to set in the Scouts Alley area at Great American Ball Park in Cincinnati!
I was actually super excited about making it to one more game this year, especially one to the north of me. As I mentioned before, this has been a slow season.
These were some great seats and I liked the exclusive area. There is the "Scouts Alley" area, where there were no lines for getting a drink and a dog. Plus, the Scouts Alley area was inside, and this was a hot day!
I DID notice a fellow beside me wearing this ring. Yep! That's a Pirates 1971 World Series ring, being worn by Bob Johnson! he also briefly appeared for the 1969 Mets! Talk about a couple of GREAT TEAMS!
I didn't want to bother him because he was... well working, taking notes and doing the sort of thing a scout does during a game. We still said hello to him and chatted briefly. He was super nice! THAT was probably the best part of the 2014 baseball season for me!